Moksha Center

Soul Alignment Group Hypnosis

April 23 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Moksha Center

Are You Ready To Stop Feeling Anxious, Drained And Disconnected?
What would your life be like if you weren’t struggling right now?
Image if you were:
Pursuing your dreams and life purpose
Being an active participant in your life and having fun again
And energized enough to take care of yourself
I want that for you. And I know it’s possible.
My life mission is to help others find physical, mental and emotional balance, cultivate self-love, and achieve self-mastery.
You can have all the magic, connection, and self-love that you’ve been wanting.
I’m here to help you, you are invited to join me, Chantelle Renee as I guide you through a deep spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic detox that will assist you in liberating your spiritual light and raise your vibration.
I use hypnosis and sound healing simultaneously and works in tandem with our angels and guides the Holy spirit and the God of your own heart..
I will assist you in opening and clearing your connection into higher realms for more remembering and awareness.
Your new awareness will also enable you to step into more of an observer mode. You are then able to gain more clarity when working with friends, family and clients.
A session will help you to transcend to a higher evolutionary existence. During these transformational times the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world is remain in your spiritual alignment.
Benefits of Raising Vibrations
Feeling Grounded & Centered
Feeling Healthy
Communicating Clearly & Honestly
Having Increased Energy
Spontaneous Healing from Illness
Attracting Better Circumstances
Attracting Better People
Feeling Grateful
Feeling a Balanced Sense of Well-Being
Feeling Appreciated and Appreciating Others
Opening Further Intuitive Abilities
Opening Further Healing Abilities
Being More Creative
Being More Productive
Increase of Patience & Understanding
Increase of True Compassion
Negativity Will Fall Away
Negative People Will Fall Away
Increased Joy & Playfulness
Increased Faith
Increased Awareness
Ability to Experience Unconditional Love
Ability of Forgiveness
As you can see, the benefits of raising your vibration can be astronomical. The great news about your vibration and energy levels is that you are completely in control of them and the moment you reclaim your power your vibration is lifted!
The experience lasts approximately 1.5 hours. The cost is $60.00
Seats are limited, only 10 are available
The group session will take place inside the salt cave on zero gravity chairs. I recommend wearing loose fitting comfortable clothes; to be kind and aware of everyone in the room refrain from strong perfumes, body sprays or loud jewelry.
I look forward to joining with you in community to heal, align and deeply connect to one another and, most definitely, with ourselves.


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