Moksha Center

Awakening Journey Retreat

June 25 (Saturday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
180 minutes

Moksha Center

Are you feeling Disconnected, Stressed or Disempowered?

What would it look like to be connected to your Authentic Self?

The Awakening Journey Retreat is calling you to connect to your body, mind and spirit.  The divine perfection is still alive inside of you and needs a spark to reawaken its magnificence.  The world in which we live is constantly creating fear, insecurity, judgement and sadness.  If you are ready to perceive life with a new expanded view join me, Marcia Cook, as I guide you on your way back home.  Reiki Master Teacher, Joyce Liesman will be joining us to share her love and gift of Reiki energy with you.

Journey Includes:
Gentle Yoga
Sound Bath with Reiki
Manifestation Circle

Increased Awareness
Open heart
Deepening Spirituality
Healing & Wholeness

Our world is ours to create.  When you take one step forward on your path of awakening, evolving, there comes a cosmic force that supports you and opens doors that were not there before.  More and more people are coming to realize that we are powerful beyond imagination and that we have been suppressed over the years, not truly living our authentic truths.  Now is the time to awaken to bring healing, wholeness and the sacred back.  


I recommend eating a light breakfast, minimal caffeine and wearing comfortable clothing.  Bring anything to help you be comfortable such as a yoga mat, blanket and pillow.  There will be some extra supplies here if needed.  Bring your journal to capture what emerges in you and to imprint what you are choosing to create, manifest.  There will be a purified water dispenser available for hot and cold water. After the event, you are welcome to stay and share some tea and light snacks.

For further information, you can contact me at [email protected] or call 217-870-0482.


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