Moksha Center

Sound Meditation Journey

December 11 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Moksha Center

Join your Host Marcia as she orchestrates within the divine alchemy of sound, restructuring the energetic & cellular structures of your being and opening you up to expanded states of consciousness and awareness where the deeper mysteries of yourself and Spirit can be revealed. 

The Crystal Alchemy Bowls are made of the highest quality (99.99% pure) quartz crystal, making them incredibly resonant. Each of the bowls is a unique piece of art infused with different crystals, earth substances, precious metals and minerals. The tones produced by these sacred instruments are not just heard by the ear, you'll feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing and balancing. Sound healing instruments, stimulate alpha and theta brain wave frequencies, balance the hemispheres of the brain, and promote a sense of ease and inner peace. In addition to relief from chronic pain and migraines, benefits of a Sound Bath include improved sleep, reduction of stress and anxiety, as well as a renewed sense of well-being, calm, and happiness.

To enhance your experience, you can bring an eye-mask, a pillow, a towel/mat and a cozy blanket.  Chairs available for those that prefer to sit.  And you're more than welcome to bring along your favorite crystals, sacred objects for this sacred healing session. Lie back, relax, and experience a new level of serenity as you embark on a Sound Meditation Journey.  Before long, you'll find yourself floating in a state of deep relaxation as your tension and stress melts away. 

Cost is $20 and can be paid in person or online - tickets available Click here
Reservation requested due to limited number of spots available.


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