Moksha Center

Yoga Nidra - A Guided Deep Relaxation
December 8, 2022 December 29, 2022

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Moksha Center

Do you struggle with meditation or unwinding from the day?  If so, come and experience Yoga Nidra, a practice that helps you find more silence and peace in your mind as it slows down mental activity.

Yoga Nidra trains you to be more in the present moment and reduces the amount of recurring or random thoughts that do not serve you. As a result, your attention is not so frequently drawn away from the here and now.  One of the significance benefits of Yoga Nidra is stress reduction, as the practice slows down mental activities and rebalances the nervous system.  This practice triggers the "relaxation response" and evokes the body to move into the healing and restoration phase.  The state of the nervous system also affects the endocrine and immune systems that are tied to our overall health and wellbeing.  No experience in meditation required and accessible to all.           

  • Promotes better sleep and combats insomnia
  • Makes you more present
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps chronic pain
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Enhances memory and learning
Come dressed for comfort. Feel free to bring your favorite items of comfort (Yoga mat, blanket, pillow, eye pillow, etc.) and journal to reflect on your experience.  Chairs available for those that prefer to sit instead of lying on the floor.

This is a 4-week series on Thursdays from 6-7PM, December 8-22nd.  Purchase the series for only $48 or if you prefer you can pay individually at $16 per class.  

Instructor:  Marcia Cook, Holistic Life Coach, Yoga & Meditation Instructor.  
Marcia spent the past 25 years as a nurse and healthcare administrator until she opened the Moksha Center in 2020.  Her focus is supporting others in their wellness journey using natural and complementary methods to enhance wholeness and healing.  

The class takes place on...

  • December 8 at 6:00 pm (Thursday)
  • December 15 at 6:00 pm (Thursday)
  • December 22 at 6:00 pm (Thursday)
  • December 29 at 6:00 pm (Thursday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
